
U.S. Congress

Biden and Senate Democrats May Postpone the TikTok Bill Amid Election Year

Biden and Senate Democrats May Postpone the TikTok Bill Amid Election Year

By You Wang
Republicans have exhibited cohesion in their bid to ban TikTok, underscoring their resolve. Democratic legislators seem to display more doubts.

US Lawmakers See TikTok as China’s Tool, Even as It Distances Itself From Beijing

US Lawmakers See TikTok as China’s Tool, Even as It Distances Itself From Beijing

By Didi Tang
A new bill threatens the app’s survival and casts a spotlight on the quandary that many private Chinese companies have found themselves in.
House Speaker Drama Will Plunge US China Policy Into Uncertainty

House Speaker Drama Will Plunge US China Policy Into Uncertainty

By Jiachen Shi
Kevin McCarthy's ouster – and the rising power of the Freedom Caucus – will intensify internal divisions on China policy.

US Congress’ Role in Countering the China Challenge

US Congress’ Role in Countering the China Challenge

By Robert Sutter
Both the Biden administration and Congress deserve credit for handling this initial stage of acute rivalry with China.

How China Became a Wedge Issue Amid the US Debt Ceiling Nail-Biter

How China Became a Wedge Issue Amid the US Debt Ceiling Nail-Biter

By Jiachen Shi
Both Democrats and Republicans have tried to use the specter of China to justify their own budget plans.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Underneath the Bipartisan Meeting with Tsai Lurks McCarthy’s Partisan Agenda

Underneath the Bipartisan Meeting with Tsai Lurks McCarthy’s Partisan Agenda

By Jiachen Shi
Despite emphasizing his commitment to bipartisanship, Kevin McCarthy’s current top priority is promoting partisan legislation and cementing Republicans as tough on China. 

Expect More Performative Legislation in the U.S. Congress Targeting China 

Expect More Performative Legislation in the U.S. Congress Targeting China 

By Jiachen Shi
In contrast to their enthusiasm for performative bills, lawmakers tend to be more cautious when dealing with legislation that could have a bearing on actual trade with China.
5 Years of US Congress Hardening China Policy

5 Years of US Congress Hardening China Policy

By Robert Sutter
2023 marks the fifth year of resolute bipartisan congressional majorities working closely with administration leaders in addressing Beijing’s serious challenges. 

What the Partisan Conflict Over Ilhan Omar Means for China-US Relations

What the Partisan Conflict Over Ilhan Omar Means for China-US Relations

By Jiachen Shi
Omar – and other progressive Democrats – seem to be pivoting toward a harder line stance on China as they come under Republican fire.

Will Kevin McCarthy’s GOP Finally Make China a Partisan Issue?

Will Kevin McCarthy’s GOP Finally Make China a Partisan Issue?

By Jiachen Shi
Republicans may find they can best pursue two top agenda items – contain China and cripple Biden – by intertwining them.

Congress Is More Important Than Ever in US China Policy

Congress Is More Important Than Ever in US China Policy

By Robert Sutter
From Trump to Biden, Congress has remained at the center of the so-called Washington consensus to end previous engagement in favor of strong opposition to Beijing.
Will Congress Be a ‘Spoiler’ in Biden’s China Policy?

Will Congress Be a ‘Spoiler’ in Biden’s China Policy?

By Robert Sutter
Despite intense partisan frictions, on China policy in particular there is much room for consensus.

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