U.S. dollar

US Sanctions Boost China’s Cross-Border Currency Use
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniel McDowell.

De-dollarization Dreams: Why the US Dollar Won’t Bow Out
By Shaoyu Yuan
While the discourse around de-dollarization gains momentum, particularly with the strategic expansion of BRICS, the U.S. dollar's preeminence remains largely unchallenged.

Is France Backing China’s Currency Against the US Dollar?
By Alain Tao
President Macron's recent state visit to China resulted in rare yuan-denominated deals. Does that signal French support for renminbi internationalization?

Southeast Asian Currencies End the Year on a High Note
By James Guild
Many of Southeast Asia’s major currencies came under pressure this year but are ending the year strong.

Does It Matter If Dollar Dominance Ends?
By Robert Farley
Can globalization survive a multipolar financial system?

How Will China Counter US Financial Hegemony?
By Robert Farley
China’s plan for a central digital currency aims to fulfill numerous goals, from consolidating domestic control to competing in the global financial field.

A Financial Alliance Won’t Help China and Russia Dethrone the US Dollar
By Francis Shin
Even a joint effort from China and Russia won’t be enough to shield them from U.S. economic influence.

Why US Sanctions Are So Lethal
By Alex Capri
The anatomy of a Chinese tech-company disaster.

Fed Hikes: Asia’s Winners and Losers
By Anthony Fensom
After the Federal Reserve's latest rate hike, which Asian markets are up and which are down?

The Currency Question: Andrew Jackson and Chairman Mao
By Maura Cunningham and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Convergences and divergences between America and China tell us a lot about each country's current trajectory.

Kazakhstan and the Emerging Market Gold Rush
By Paolo Sorbello
Astana, Moscow and Beijing are among those buying gold in reaction to a thriving dollar.
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