U.S. drone policy

Is the US Military Learning the Wrong Lessons About Drones?
By Matthew C. Mai
The Pentagon is betting big on unmanned systems in a conflict with China – but the Russia-Ukraine war is showing the limited utility of such systems.

The US Is Revising Its Drone Export Policy. What Does That Mean for East Asia?
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
The Trump administration may be looking to regain dominance of the drone export market.

New US Drone Project Could Change Asian Warfare Forever
By Tobias Burgers & Scott N. Romaniuk
The MUX project could ultimately render aircraft carriers (and China's A2/AD strategy) obsolete.

Will China Adhere to Its Own Norm Prohibiting Lethal Drone Strikes?
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
Think About It: Chinese drones filling Africa’s skies, watching over Beijing’s interests.

Is China Establishing a Norm Prohibiting Lethal Drone Strikes in Asia?
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
China -- unlike the U.S. -- has so far refused to use UAVs to conduct targeted killings.

Unmanned Systems and Manned Conflict in East Asia
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
Potential (mis)use of military robotic technology in East Asia's maritime conflicts is enormous.

Is US Drone Warfare Here to Stay?
By Jack Detsch
The CIA’s targeted killing program might be in jeopardy.
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