U.S. history

How Chinese Immigrants Found Their Way to Puerto Rico
By Robert Farley
The history of Chinese immigrants in Puerto Rico is intertwined with American restrictions on Chinese immigration through 1965.

The Key to Post-World War II US Strategic Thinking About Japan
By Robert Farley
Plans might be useless, but planning is indispensable.

Why the US Seized the Philippines at the End of the 19th Century
By Robert Farley
McKinley did not have much in the way of a well-thought out plan for seizing the Philippines.

The Big Nuking of 1959: How the US Would Have Nuked East Asia
By Robert Farley
A recently declassified nuclear target list shows how the U.S. planned to use its nuclear weapons in the late-1950s.

For Much of Asia, World War 2 Ended After August 1945
By Robert Farley
Wars-of-continuation decided the fates of Vietnam, China, Korea, Indonesia, and much of the rest of the Asia-Pacific.
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