U.S.-India 2+2 dialogue

India-US 2+2 Strategic Dialogue Keeps Indo-Pacific in Focus
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite multiple crises in Europe and the Middle East, the 2+2 strategic dialogue demonstrated that Washington has not entirely lost sight of what needs to be done in the Indo-Pacific.

India and the US: Defense Collaboration Is Key
By Yusuf Unjhawala
The two countries do not have a single project that they can hold up as symbolic of the depth of their defense cooperation.

Operationalizing US-India Strategic Cooperation
By Patrick M. Cronin and Kristine Lee
Bureaucracy may finally be catching up with rhetoric when it comes to U.S.-India cooperation.

The US-India Partnership and Its Discontents: Managing Trump-Era Turbulence
By Harsh V. Pant
Can Trump-era turbulence in the U.S.-India relationship be effectively managed?
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