U.S. military strategy

Is the US Military Learning the Wrong Lessons About Drones?
By Matthew C. Mai
The Pentagon is betting big on unmanned systems in a conflict with China – but the Russia-Ukraine war is showing the limited utility of such systems.

Cobra Gold 2020: America’s Strategic Shift in Southeast Asia
By Zachary Williams
The debut of the F-35B at this year’s edition of the annual drill signals a shift in U.S. military presence in the region.

After the INF Treaty: US Plans First Tests of New Short and Intermediate-Range Missiles
By Ankit Panda
A new short-range cruise missile and intermediate-range ballistic missile will see testing in 2019.

Taking Great Power Competition Seriously
By Robert Farley
As U.S.-China competition intensifies, how should Washington realign its interests in the Middle East?
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