U.S. Military

US Announces Suspension of Vigilant Ace 2018 Exercise With South Korea
By Ankit Panda
The suspension comes in anticipation of a second U.S.-North Korea summit meeting.

Trade Wars Are Not Good for the US Military Advantage
By Robert Farley
What will the long-term costs of the Trump administration's trade war be on the U.S. military's technological superiority?

What Is the Nature of Power in the Asia-Pacific and Who Wields It?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
A new tool helps rank Asian states by their relative and absolute power rankings across a variety of measures.

Is the US Suffering a ‘War Gap’?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why American decision-makers continue to fail to understand the true nature of military conflict.

How Does Japan View the US View of Preemption on the Korean Peninsula?
By Robert Farley
The Trump administration has decided to rhetorically investigate a policy that neither Seoul nor Tokyo can genuinely support.

The US is Considering Deploying Another Marine Expeditionary Unit to Asia
By Ankit Panda
The move would help boost U.S. force readiness in the Asia-Pacific region.

Preventive Self-Defense Strikes Against North Korea May Set an Uneasy Precedent
By Robert Farley
What would the international legal consequences of a United States attack on North Korea be?

Report: US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to Visit China in Spring 2018
By Ankit Panda
U.S. Secretary of Defense will likely visit China in the first half of 2018.

Hawaii's Missile False Alarm Spurs Worries About US-North Korea War
By Robert Farley
How likely is war between North Korea and the United States?

US Considers Direct Military Involvement in Fight Against Islamic State-Affiliated Militants in Mindanao
By Ankit Panda
U.S. drone strikes against the Islamic State in the Philippines may not be decisive in terminating the conflict.

What's the Big Deal About These US-South Korea Military Exercises?
By Damen Cook
A closer look at the costs and benefits of the annual Foal Eagle-Key Resolve exercises.

US, South Korea Kick Off Annual Foal Eagle Exercise
By Ankit Panda
The alliance kicks off its large-scale annual drills.