U.S. Military

Overstating the China Threat?
By Amitai Etzioni
Calls for substantial new investments in U.S. military hardware seem a little hasty.

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge
By Zachary Keck
Anti-Access/Area Denial is often seen purely in military terms. It’s much bigger than that.

Marine Corps Chief: Not Sure About Asia Force Posture
By Zachary Keck
The USMC’s top officer is uncertain about how much forward presence the U.S. needs in Asia.

Did China Just Clone a Black Hawk Helicopter?
By Zachary Keck
China conducted the first flight test of its new Z-20, which has a similar exterior to the US-made Black Hawk.

America’s Military at a Crossroads
By Harry Kazianis
The U.S. military faces a 21st century identity crisis. But despite blanket spending cuts, it has options.

Can Prompt Global Strike Survive Sequestration?
The Virginia Payload Module is the latest part of the Prompt Global Strike program to see its funding slashed.

Why Countries Build Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
Proliferation no longer begets proliferation– conventional military power does.

Civilian Casualties in War: Redefining “Everything Possible”
The U.S. consistently claims to be doing all it can to minimize civilian casualties. It can do better.

What Modern Militaries Can Learn From Battlestar Galactica
“Sometimes revolutionary innovation delivers; it often doesn’t.”

Julia Gillard's China Play
By any measure Julia Gillard’s trip to Beijing was a success. However, her most visionary goal remains unfulfilled.

A Nuclear Pivot to Asia?
If America’s conventional superiority in Asia declines, then the relative importance of its nuclear edge will rise.

Did China Test its "Carrier-Killer?"
Unconfirmed reports suggest China may have recently tested its DF-21D ASBM, with DOD making an interesting declaration.