
U.S. Military

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How U.S. Must Adapt in Asia

How U.S. Must Adapt in Asia

If the U.S. wants to be the resident Pacific power then it needs to show greater commitment than it has done.

Highlights of the China Report

Highlights of the China Report

Taiwan Strait contingencies and expanding army special forces feature in the U.S. report on China’s military.

No Surprises on China Military

The Pentagon’s latest report on China’s military had few surprises. But it still had some useful insights.

Could U.S. Get Sucked Into War?

Could U.S. Get Sucked Into War?

The ongoing standoff between the Philippines and China risks dragging the U.S. in. Manila has least to lose.

Americans Favor Military Cuts

Americans Favor Military Cuts

A new poll shows Americans favor defense spending cuts. Such a move would hit the pivot to the Pacific.

Politics and Drones

The Obama administration has opened up a bit on the use of drones. But there’s a political element to doing so.

Why the U.S. Wants a New Bomber

The U.S. Air Force has struggled for years to develop a new long-range bomber. But with China’s growing anti-access capabilities, it may need one.

Taliban Rebuff

Taliban Rebuff

Hours after Barack Obama’s visit to Afghanistan, the Taliban struck. It’s not a good omen for the country.

Why Pick a Fight With China?

Why Pick a Fight With China?

China faces numerous challenges if it wants to maintain its rise. The U.S. should stop acting as if tensions – or worse – are inevitable.

The Blanks in the Afghan Deal

The Blanks in the Afghan Deal

The strategic partnership agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan was useful, but leaves many questions.

Pivot Out, Rebalance In

Talk of a U.S. pivot toward the Asia-Pacific is being replaced with the idea of a rebalancing. Regardless, U.S. military strategy is taking on an interesting shape.

Is U.S-China Distrust Inevitable?

Is U.S-China Distrust Inevitable?

Some argue mistrust between the U.S. and China stems from lack of awareness. Maybe they just don’t agree.

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