U.S. national security strategy

Biden’s Strategic Reviews: Implications for Global Security
By Sitara Noor
The renewed focus on nuclear weapons amid the contest with China raises the risk of nuclear use – and reduces the likelihood of arms control talks.

The Future of American Power in Uncertain Times
By Monish Tourangbam
The deployment of U.S. power is indeed passing through a phase when it can no longer ignore the tectonic forces of a changing balance of power in the world.

China and Russia Pose Different Problems for the US. They Need Different Solutions.
By James Dobbins, Howard J. Shatz, and Ali Wyne
One is a resurgent power focused on economic preeminence; the other a declining power fomenting chaos.

Trump’s National Security Strategy Faces Severe Backlash in China
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese foreign ministry reprimands the United States for “malicious slander.”

Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report by a Washington-based think tank argues that the US should heed the advice of the father of containment.

An 'Obama Doctrine' Might Be Here At Last
By Jack Detsch
The White House’s new National Security Strategy, released on Friday, calls for the creation of a new international order based on trade and security.
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