
U.S.-North Korea diplomacy

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What Does a Trump-Kim Meeting Mean for China?

What Does a Trump-Kim Meeting Mean for China?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Despite relief that war seems less likely, there are concerns about China’s lack of input in the current round of diplomacy.
What China Thinks About the Korean Thaw

What China Thinks About the Korean Thaw

By Shannon Tiezzi
In his annual press conference, the Chinese foreign minister gave the most in-depth comments on the subject so far.

The Missing Piece in the World’s North Korea Strategy

The Missing Piece in the World’s North Korea Strategy

By Neil Bhatiya
Pyongyang abuses the international financial system to fund its proliferation activities -- stopping this ought to be a priority.

Is the US Preparing for Preventive War? Views From North Korea

Is the US Preparing for Preventive War? Views From North Korea

By 38 North / Alexander Vorontsov
North Korean officials are convinced that the U.S. is preparing to strike.

The US Needs a Long-Term North Korea Strategy

The US Needs a Long-Term North Korea Strategy

By Willis L Krumholz
Today’s debate needs to be about more than just “taking out a bad guy.”
Terrifyingly Rational: North Korea’s Missile Over Japan

Terrifyingly Rational: North Korea’s Missile Over Japan

By Yukari Easton
Did Kim Jong-un just call Donald Trump’s bluff?

North Korea’s Nukes: Time for The Pentagon’s Philosopher-in-Chief to Step In?

North Korea’s Nukes: Time for The Pentagon’s Philosopher-in-Chief to Step In?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The North Korean crisis prompts the need for a philosopher in chief at the Pentagon.
In Otto’s Memory: Developing Peaceful Tourism in North Korea

In Otto’s Memory: Developing Peaceful Tourism in North Korea

By Paul with Joseph Yi
The U.S. should reconsider its ban on tourism to North Korea.

Former North Korean Diplomat: For Pyongyang, Weapons Will Always Come First

Former North Korean Diplomat: For Pyongyang, Weapons Will Always Come First

By Bruce Harrison
Thae Yong-ho explains why the Kim regime is so intent on developing missiles and nuclear weapons.

Countering North Korea's Hostage Diplomacy

Countering North Korea's Hostage Diplomacy

By Lee Min-yong
Tourism in North Korea not only funds the regime, it also provides useful leverage in the form of arrested tourists.

Time for Jimmy Carter to Go Back to North Korea

Time for Jimmy Carter to Go Back to North Korea

By Marcus Holmes and Nicholas J. Wheeler
The United States should remember how it solved the last major North Korea crisis: with face-to-face diplomacy.
Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

By Bruce Harrison
Pyongyang historically has taken an offensive posture, refusing to "sit with folded arms" when provoked.

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