
U.S.-North Korea diplomacy

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How Trump Can Win the Nobel Peace Prize

How Trump Can Win the Nobel Peace Prize

By Fraser Cameron
A breakthrough with North Korea would put the president on the shortlist.
What Should China and the US Do About North Korea?

What Should China and the US Do About North Korea?

By Yu Shaohua, Joshua Pollack, Yawei Liu
U.S. and Chinese experts weigh in.

Why Trump Must Talk to North Korea

Why Trump Must Talk to North Korea

By Yu Bin Kim
Strategic patience isn't working. Diplomacy is the only other option that hasn't been fully explored.

North Korea, Don't Get Your Hopes Up Over President Trump

North Korea, Don't Get Your Hopes Up Over President Trump

By Kim Tae-woo
Pyongyang's hopes that the Trump administration will take a softer approach are misguided.

Why Should the US Talk to North Korea?

Why Should the US Talk to North Korea?

By Daniel DePetris
A willingness to sit down and talk with an adversary is a sign of strength, not weakness.
North Korea: What Options Remain?

North Korea: What Options Remain?

By Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
Has the United States fully explored diplomatic options with North Korea?

North Korea's Nuclear Test: Deja Vu on the Peninsula

North Korea's Nuclear Test: Deja Vu on the Peninsula

By Il Hyun Cho
The test fits North Korea's pattern of behavior, but also represents worrying advances.
With North Korea, Try More Economic Isolation, Less Diplomatic Isolation

With North Korea, Try More Economic Isolation, Less Diplomatic Isolation

By Peter Harrell
As the world steps up economic pressure, sanctions must be matched by diplomatic engagement.

What to Make of North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test?

What to Make of North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test?

By 38 North / Siegfried S. Hecker
The nuclear test is just one part of a rapid military build up in North Korea over the last decade.

How to Interpret North Korean Policy Signals

How to Interpret North Korean Policy Signals

By 38 North / Robert Carlin
Here's a hint: paying attention helps.

The One Place in Asia China Would Embrace More US Involvement

The One Place in Asia China Would Embrace More US Involvement

By Kerry Brown
Beijing would welcome more engagement between the U.S. and North Korea -- and Washington should consider it.
North Korea Said It's Willing to Talk Denuclearization (But No One Noticed)

North Korea Said It's Willing to Talk Denuclearization (But No One Noticed)

By 38 North / Robert Carlin
Hours before the U.S. Treasury announced sanctions on Kim Jong-un, North Korea issued a breakthrough statement.

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