
U.S. North Korea policy

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US Congress Close to Passing New Sanctions on North Korea

US Congress Close to Passing New Sanctions on North Korea

By Shannon Tiezzi
Yesterday, the Senate unanimously passed a bill calling for tough new sanctions that could impact China as well.
On North Korea, US Policymakers Misunderstand the History Between Beijing and Pyongyang

On North Korea, US Policymakers Misunderstand the History Between Beijing and Pyongyang

By James Person
U.S. attempts to outsource its North Korea policy to China will fail. History shows us why.

Know Thy North Korean Enemy

Know Thy North Korean Enemy

By Rachel Wagley
America can’t wait for China on the Korean Peninsula.

The North Korean Nuclear Test and the US-Japan Alliance

The North Korean Nuclear Test and the US-Japan Alliance

By Admiral Dennis Blair and General Masayuki Hironaka
Time to reassess whether American extended deterrence in East Asia is still strong.

North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test: Probably Not For Deterrence

North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test: Probably Not For Deterrence

By Nah Liang Tuang
Pyongyang’s motivations might have had more to do with prestige and international bargaining leverage.
US Policy Toward North Korea: Weighing the Urgent, the Important, and the Feasible

US Policy Toward North Korea: Weighing the Urgent, the Important, and the Feasible

By Scott A. Snyder
As North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons capabilities, what options does the U.S. have?

Why an Iran Deal for North Korea Won’t Happen

Why an Iran Deal for North Korea Won’t Happen

By Robert E. Kelly
Tempting though the prospect might be, it is highly unlikely.
Obama Comes Out as a North Korea Collapsist

Obama Comes Out as a North Korea Collapsist

By 38 North / Aidan Foster-Carter
In a recent interview, Obama suggests North Korea's regime will inevitably collapse. He couldn't be more wrong.

Time to Reevaluate US Stance on North Korea?

Time to Reevaluate US Stance on North Korea?

By Elliot Waldman
The Obama Administration’s policy of 'strategic patience' is wearing thin.

The Specter of North Korean ICBMs

The Specter of North Korean ICBMs

By Clint Richards
With sanctions unable to stop Pyongyang’s weapons program, the U.S. needs a new policy.

‘Strategic Patience’ with North Korea

‘Strategic Patience’ with North Korea

The U.S. needs to rethink its current position on reopening negotiations with Pyongyang.

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