U.S. ratify UNCLOS

The Trouble With Washington’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Gambit
By Ben Scott
Improved U.S. compliance with international norms would greatly enhance U.S. defense of the rules-based international order.

Toward a New Maritime Strategy in the South China Sea
By Patrick M. Cronin and Melodie Ha
How the US can reformulate its approach to China in the maritime domain.

U.S. Ratification of the Law of the Sea Convention
By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Measuring the raison d'État in the Trump era.

Trump and the South China Sea: Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reason
By Mark J. Valencia
Trump's pause in FONOPs gives the U.S. and China breathing room to resolve disagreements.

Why the US 'Rebalance to Asia' Is More Important Than Ever
By Tuan N. Pham
The rebalance offers a fleeting strategic opportunity to nudge China toward being a responsible global stakeholder.

Why the US Needs to Ratify UNCLOS
By Hank Johnson
"This treaty is of paramount importance to American national security interests," argues Congressman Hank Johnson.
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