
U.S.-South Korea alliance

South Korea’s Nuclear Latency: A Critical and Analytical Evaluation

South Korea’s Nuclear Latency: A Critical and Analytical Evaluation

By Jihoon Yu
By maintaining the capability to develop nuclear weapons rapidly – without actually doing so – South Korea ensures a form of strategic ambiguity that can serve as a deterrent in itself.

The 2 Koreas’ Cold War Measures Destabilize the Korean Peninsula

The 2 Koreas’ Cold War Measures Destabilize the Korean Peninsula

By Mitch Shin
How should South Korea handle balloon clashes against the backdrop of Trump’s possible re-election? 
South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“With Kim now emboldened, the prospect of unconventional acts like terrorist attacks on South Korean infrastructure and civilians is a real possibility,” says Dr. Cho Sung-min.

Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Operations: Strengthening the ROK-US Alliance

Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Operations: Strengthening the ROK-US Alliance

By Jihoon Yu
U.S.-led MRO efforts contribute to strengthening the ROK-U.S. alliance, fostering interoperability, and addressing shared security challenges.

The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

By Mitch Shin
Despite a destabilized Korean Peninsula due to North Korean missile developments, acquiring nuclear weapons would be a dead end for Seoul.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How a Second Trump Term Could Shape the South Korea-U.S. Alliance

How a Second Trump Term Could Shape the South Korea-U.S. Alliance

By Jihoon Yu and Erik French
Three points of friction could emerge over policy toward North Korea, host-nation support, and China policy.

What the Return of Trump Would Mean for South Korea

What the Return of Trump Would Mean for South Korea

By Clint Work
The former president called into question the U.S. force presence in Korea – the foundation for the alliance.
Blinken’s Visit to South Korea: Democracy, North Korea, and Beyond

Blinken’s Visit to South Korea: Democracy, North Korea, and Beyond

By Le Nhu Mai
Seoul and Washington continue to seek a more close-knit bilateral alliance to better achieve their own strategic aims. 

South Korean and US Troops to Begin Major Exercises Next Week

South Korean and US Troops to Begin Major Exercises Next Week

By Hyung-jin Kim
Following expanded weapons tests by North Korea, this year’s Freedom Shield exercise will involve 48 field exercises, double the number conducted last year.

The US, South Korea and Japan Conduct Naval Drills in a Show of Strength Against North Korea

The US, South Korea and Japan Conduct Naval Drills in a Show of Strength Against North Korea

By Kim Tong-hyung
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been on a provocative run of weapons testing and threats that raised regional tensions to their highest point in years.

North Korea Factor Fades Amid Seoul’s Trilateral Engagement

North Korea Factor Fades Amid Seoul’s Trilateral Engagement

By Abhishek Sharma
South Korea’s current diplomatic strategy is overlooking its greatest security threat.
Shifting Visions of the South Korea-US Alliance

Shifting Visions of the South Korea-US Alliance

By Clint Work and Joo Young Kim
Changes in the official “Defense Vision” documents show clearly how conceptions of the alliance have evolved from 2019 to 2023.

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