
U.S.-Taliban deal

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Former President Karzai Says US Plan a Catalyst for Afghan Peace

Former President Karzai Says US Plan a Catalyst for Afghan Peace

By Associated Press
Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai says a proposed peace deal put out by the U.S. offers the best chance forward beyond the stalled talks.
Even After a Peace Agreement, Afghanistan’s Future Unclear

Even After a Peace Agreement, Afghanistan’s Future Unclear

By Milad Naeimi
Yet another elite-based peace agreement, rather than one centered on the people, simply assures a future conflict in Afghanistan.

NATO Chief Dismisses Early Pullout of Afghan Troop Trainers

NATO Chief Dismisses Early Pullout of Afghan Troop Trainers

By Associated Press
"Our presence in Afghanistan is conditions based, and Taliban has to meet their commitments," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.

President Biden’s Afghanistan Challenge

President Biden’s Afghanistan Challenge

By Daud Khattak
The fate of the U.S.-Taliban deal hangs in the balance, while the peace process stalls. What will the Biden administration ultimately do about Afghanistan?

NATO Faces Conundrum as It Mulls Afghan Pullout

NATO Faces Conundrum as It Mulls Afghan Pullout

By Associated Press
Some say NATO and the U.S. should send a strong message for peace to all sides in Afghanistan's protracted conflict.
The US-Taliban Deal: A Year Later

The US-Taliban Deal: A Year Later

By Franz J. Marty
The U.S.-Taliban “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan” has so far yielded few concrete results and bloody fighting and attacks are continuing across the country.

Taliban Visit Moscow, Voice Hope US Will Honor Peace Deal

Taliban Visit Moscow, Voice Hope US Will Honor Peace Deal

By Associated Press
Sher Mohammed Abbas Stanikzai, who led the Taliban delegation to Moscow,  insisted that the Taliban have been abiding by the deal.
What If the Afghan Peace Process Fails?

What If the Afghan Peace Process Fails?

By Marvin G. Weinbaum and Shanthie D’Souza
Most Afghans will have difficulty recovering from a failed peace process in which they and their government have invested so much hope.

US Joint Chiefs Chairman Meets With Taliban on Peace Talks

US Joint Chiefs Chairman Meets With Taliban on Peace Talks

By Associated Press
Army Gen. Mark A. Milley met with Taliban negotiators in Doha, Qatar, on Tuesday and then flew to Kabul.

NATO Mulls Afghan Dilemma as US Draws Down, Attacks Mount

NATO Mulls Afghan Dilemma as US Draws Down, Attacks Mount

By Associated Press
But despite the surge in violence, and deep uncertainty caused by the U.S. drawdown, the peace agreement appears to be an opportunity too good for NATO to miss.

How the Trump Administration Set Afghanistan Up to Fail

How the Trump Administration Set Afghanistan Up to Fail

By Sohrab Azad
The Trump administration has left Biden few options in Afghanistan, and the Taliban aren’t going anywhere.
Taliban Angle for Commitment to Deal From Incoming US Administration

Taliban Angle for Commitment to Deal From Incoming US Administration

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban urged the incoming Biden administration to stick to the Trump administration’s deal and its withdrawal plan.

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