
U.S. War in Afghanistan

The US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: ‘Willful Blindness’ or a Face-Saving Act?

The US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: ‘Willful Blindness’ or a Face-Saving Act?

By Muhammad Murad
The chaos of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan has become politicized. But the blame stretches back decades, through both Republican and Democratic administrations.

How 9/11 Changed – and Didn’t Change – Afghanistan

How 9/11 Changed – and Didn’t Change – Afghanistan

By Freshta Jalalzai
The terror attacks on September 11, 2001, seemingly changed the trajectory of Afghanistan’s history. But today, the country in many ways is back to the status quo ante – except for the thousands of lives lost to war. 
Amin Saikal on the United States’ Many Mistakes in Afghanistan

Amin Saikal on the United States’ Many Mistakes in Afghanistan

By Catherine Putz
The United States “overestimated the power that the U.S. military could bring to bear in changing Afghanistan.”

Hassan Abbas on the Return of the Taliban

Hassan Abbas on the Return of the Taliban

By Catherine Putz
"Getting into another warlike situation with the Taliban is unlikely to improve the plight of ordinary Afghans or the nature of Afghanistan’s reality today."

An Afghan Woman’s Drowning Symbolizes the Betrayal of a Nation

An Afghan Woman’s Drowning Symbolizes the Betrayal of a Nation

By Philip Smucker
Journalist Torpekai Amarkhel was among dozens of asylum seekers who died when their boat capsized near Italy. Her story encapsulates how the world has failed the Afghan people.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How the World Failed Afghan Women

How the World Failed Afghan Women

By Philip Smucker
Why millions of dollars in international aid – much of it from the U.S. – failed to achieve lasting change for Afghanistan’s women.

The Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan: Who Is Really to Blame?

The Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan: Who Is Really to Blame?

By Rajeev Agarwal
The U.S. is far from blameless, but it is not solely responsible for the Taliban's rapid takeover.
Are the Taliban’s Captured Weapons Any Use?

Are the Taliban’s Captured Weapons Any Use?

By Jacob Parakilas
The Taliban’s blitz to power in Afghanistan has left them in possession of a veritable arsenal of U.S. weaponry intended for the defunct government. Are captured weapons a strategic game-changer?

Afghanistan Fiasco Does Not Destroy US Credibility in Asia-Pacific

Afghanistan Fiasco Does Not Destroy US Credibility in Asia-Pacific

By Denny Roy
While the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan will have many negative consequences, it will not by itself cause the end of U.S. strategic pre-eminence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Afghanistan and the Real Vietnam Analogy

Afghanistan and the Real Vietnam Analogy

By Andrew Gawthorpe
The war in Vietnam showed the abject failure of nation-building – and the imperial logic behind such efforts. But the U.S. repeated its mistake in Afghanistan.

‘Welcome Home’: Evacuation Flight Brings 200 Afghans to US

‘Welcome Home’: Evacuation Flight Brings 200 Afghans to US

By Ellen Knickmeyer and Matthew Lee
Subsequent flights are due to bring more of the roughly 700 applicants who are farthest along in the process of getting visas.
Can Washington Speed Up Special Visa Processing for Afghans?

Can Washington Speed Up Special Visa Processing for Afghans?

By Catherine Putz
Afghans who assisted U.S. forces are eligible for a special immigrant visa, but the process, hogtied by legislation and reporting requirements, has been backlogged for a decade.

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