
Will America's Addiction to Drone Strikes Backfire?
The over-use of armed UAVs sets a dangerous precedent as more nations acquire the technology.

When Drones Decide to Kill on Their Own
“…the idea that drones could start making life-and-death decisions should be cause for concern.”

U.S. Seeks Foreign Arm Sales
With fiscal constraints at home, defense industry is recouping revenues abroad, while enhancing U.S. allies’ capabilities.

Why Drone Strikes Cede 'Hearts and Minds' to Taliban
An incident in Kunar illustrates how NATO’s confused approach to counterinsurgency in Afghanistan is failing to meet its objectives.

Do Drone Strikes on al-Qaida Make Us Safer?
Moral or immoral, do drone strikes work? Sean M. Lynn-Jones weighs the evidence.

Drone Warfare Goes Local
UAV’s are nothing new in warfare. But private groups are now using such technology to support their aims.

Obama's Drone War
President Obama’s admission of drone strikes in Pakistan was telling. They may, however, not be very effective.

Did Iran Hack U.S. Drone?
An Iranian engineer claims Iran was able to hack the GPS of a U.S. drone to bring it down. Could it?

U.S. "Asks Iran for Drone Back"
The U.S. admits it has asked for a downed drone back from Iran. But plenty of questions are still swirling.
Iran's Drone Fake?
Iran is claiming to have America’s RQ-170 UAV drone seemingly intact. Some suspect the images were faked.

Iran Downs U.S. Drone?
Iran’s media claims to have downed the RQ-170, a secretive U.S. drone. It’s a a big blow to the U.S. if true.