UN Women

Women Bear the Brunt of Asia’s Climate Failures
By Gabriela Fernando and Samanthi Gunawardana
What does the future hold for the millions of women left to work in Asia's agriculture sector battling a climate in collapse?

Can COP26 Become a Turning Point for Gender Responsive Climate Action?
By Mohammad Naciri, Samantha Hung, and Sun-Ah Kim
Any meaningful international effort to address climate change must have women and girls at its center.

Japan Helps Explore the Gender Dynamics of Violent Extremism
By Daniel Hurst
A Tokyo-backed project shines a light on online behavior in four Asia-Pacific countries.

Lessons from the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda
By Jessica Zimerman
Why gendered approaches to peace and security are now more important than ever.

Why China Is So Interested in Gender Equality
By Zhibo Qiu
China is investing a lot of money and political capital into gender issues. Why?

Making Streets Safe for Women
By Angelique Moss
A global initiative for women’s safety in streets and cities comes to the Philippines.

Project Inspire 2013: Empowering Women Worldwide
From opening micro-businesses to training to work as journalists, Project Inspire is giving hope to women across the world.
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