UNCLOS South China Sea

Time for the US to Stop Losing Ground to China in the South China Sea
By Tuan N. Pham
More opportunities for Washington to push back against Beijing in the South China Sea.

The US-China Perception Gap in the South China Sea
By David J. Firestein
The United States and China perceive the South China Sea issue in starkly different terms.

The South China Sea Ruling: 1 Month Later
By Tuan N. Pham
Time to carefully analyze the Chinese reaction to determine how best to respond in the coming months.

What Now for China’s ‘Historic Rights’ in the South China Sea?
By John Lee
Defending China's "historic rights" in the South China Sea is integral to the Communist Party's political narrative.

International Law Won't Stop China in the South China Sea
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Countering power with rules is doomed to fail in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea Is Really a Fishery Dispute
By Adam Greer
The hidden cause of the South China Sea disputes: there aren't enough fish in the sea.

The Philippines' Triumph: Right Over Might
By Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr.
It is precisely the fairness and impartiality of the process chosen by Manila to vent its claims that China objects to.

China Has Much to Gain From the South China Sea Ruling
By Mark E. Rosen
The decision regarding Itu Aba allows China to challenge excessive EEZs claimed by Japan, the U.S., France, and others.

The South China Sea Ruling: China's International Law Dilemma
By Thomas E. Kellogg
"China may be entering a new phase of its relationship with the international order."

China Keeps the Upper Hand, South China Sea Arbitration Ruling Nonwithstanding
By William G. Frasure
The judicial ruling could actually give China the advantage, if Beijing proves it can flout the law with impunity.

Taiwan: South China Sea Ruling 'Completely Unacceptable'
By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan denounces the tribunal's decision that Itu Aba is a rock, not an island.

China: Tribunal Ruling 'Null and Void', Will Not Affect South China Sea Claims
By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing continues to push its South China Sea claims, though many were struck down by an arbitral tribunal today.