Where Does U.S. Stand on Sino-Japanese Dispute?
As tensions build over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, what is America’s position?
Why the South China Sea is not a "Sudetenland Moment"
The United States must not take direct sides – and instead encourage peaceful negotiation – lest it make matters worse.
Soul Searching After Phnom Penh
ASEAN must continue to remain a strong force for regional ties in the Asia-Pacific and avoid short-sighted attempts to undermine the bloc’s unity or exploit divisions.
The Folly of UNCLOS
The U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea is as much as anything else about fundamental disagreements between the U.S. and China. The U.S. shouldn’t sign up.
U.S. Must Remove UNCLOS Handcuffs
Critics say the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea infringes U.S. sovereignty. Actually, it would save the U.S. money, help counter China and make the Pacific safer.
Why to Forget UNCLOS
The U.S. push to ratify the Convention on the Law of Sea is wrong, especially with China’s South China Sea claims.