
Which Asian Countries Voted to Suspend Russia’s UNHRC Membership?
By Shannon Tiezzi
In the Asia-Pacific, as around the world, there was a definite shift in Russia's favor at the latest vote.

China Appointed to Influential UN Human Rights Council Panel
By Eleanor Albert
Given China's own rights record, the appointment has sparked concern about the future of the UN's human rights agenda.

The Geopolitics of Sri Lanka’s Transitional Justice
By Ana Pararajasingham
Western countries are less interested in pressuring Sri Lanka now that Rajapaksa is no longer in charge.

Sri Lanka Keeps Its Domestic Political Rift From Spilling Into UN Rights Meeting
By Krishan Francis
The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe rivalry extends to different approaches to UN pressure on transitional justice issues.

Sri Lanka: Is Transitional Justice in Trouble?
By Taylor Dibbert
For Sri Lanka’s transitional justice process, the coming months are crucial.

Time for Action on Sri Lanka War Crimes
By Sarava Kanesa Thasan
Just how committed is the Sri Lankan government to implementing the UNHRC resolution?

Taiwan Protesters Issue Ultimatum
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, the UN looks at China's human rights, Chinese netizens talk Crimea, and Michelle Obama in China. China links.
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