United States

America's Soft Power Future
The U.S. should downplay its military strategy. Talented graduates may be the new face of America.

An Authoritarian Axis Rising?
It isn’t the “axis of evil.” But a number of authoritarian states are showing a troubling tendency to look out for each other.

Iran’s Oil and U.S.-India Ties
India’s oil imports from Iran have strained ties with the U.S. But they’ve worked things out for now.

Can Taiwan Be a "Worthy" U.S. Ally?
The renewed U.S. interest in the Asia-Pacific gives Taiwan a perfect chance to bolster ties and its own security. But will it seize the moment?
Cloudy Forecast for U.S.-Thai Ties?
Thailand is delaying a decision on a NASA airstrip request. What does it say about relations?
A Big Stick for North Korea?
The debate about deploying nuclear weapons to South Korea is important. And one the U.S. needs.

India's Misguided Autonomy
“Strategic autonomy” is the buzz phrase in Indian foreign policy these days. But it hasn’t served India well.

Grading the U.S. Rebalance
With the U.S. presidential election fast approaching, it’s worth asking how successful one of the biggest Obama administration foreign policy drives has been. It’s a mixed bag.

Where China Leads, India Follows?
China has made great strides with its space program. Should India follow its lead?

Why Russia Won’t Play Ball on Iran
The U.S. may not agree or even understand Russia’s view on the Iran nuclear issue. But there are many reasons why Russia won’t put too much pressure on Tehran.

The Logic of China’s Korea Policy
China sees the U.S.-South Korea alliance as a threat. Its policy toward North Korea shouldn’t surprise.

Why U.S. Must Get Over Renminbi
U.S. politicians are tempted to blame Chinese currency manipulation for the country’s economic woes. But doing so is unhelpful.