
United States

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Can U.S. "Manage" Other Nations?

Can U.S. "Manage" Other Nations?

The U.S. must be careful in the language it uses with other nations. But whatever you call it, management is OK.

The Trouble With India’s Military

The Trouble With India’s Military

The letter by India’s Army chief last month blasting the state of the armed forces reflected a troubling reality – India’s regional military power aspirations are in danger.

Hyping U.S.-China Competition

Hyping U.S.-China Competition

The U.S. has plenty of challenges, including over its infrastructure. But China needn’t be dragged into things.

Creating a New International Order

Creating a New International Order

The lowest common denominator is no longer a good starting point for meaningful coordinated global action.

Give Democracy a Chance in Syria

Give Democracy a Chance in Syria

The groups circling for if the Assad regime falls are no solution to the country’s problems. The U.S. and EU should steer clear, Indian Decade contributor Madhav Nalapat writes from Syria.

Let Iran Save Face

Let Iran Save Face

Iran would have less reason to rely on terrorism as a continuation of politics if it could cut deals as an equal.

What West Doesn’t Get About China

What West Doesn’t Get About China

The idea that China has a unified vision about its role in the world is misplaced. Excessive focus on nationalist voices, however loud, will do the U.S. and others no favors.

Don’t Return to Korea Status Quo

Don’t Return to Korea Status Quo

Two decades of engagement have gone nowhere with North Korea. It’s time to take steps to undermine the foundations of the regime itself.

How to Deter Taiwan Clash

How to Deter Taiwan Clash

If the U.S. wants to avoid a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, it should help Taiwan develop its missile capabilities.

ASEAN and the Elephants

ASEAN and the Elephants

ASEAN isn’t as likely to get crushed by the U.S. and Chinese elephants as some think. This is a jungle now.

India Firm on North Korea Launch

India Firm on North Korea Launch

India takes a firm line in condemning North Korea’s rocket launch Friday. It’s a sound diplomatic move.

Iran Deal Possible, Just Not Now

Iran Deal Possible, Just Not Now

With the U.S. in a presidential election year, don’t expect a major breakthrough at the talks that have started on Iran’s nuclear program. But compromise may come next year.

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