
United States

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India's Iran Dance

India's Iran Dance

Iran is proving to be a thorn in the side of India’s relations with the United States. It doesn’t need to be.

U.S.-India Ties: Pivot Problems

U.S.-India Ties: Pivot Problems

India has already shown that it is starting to carve out its own path in Asia. But it’s one that could create clashes with the United States.

China’s Achilles’ Heel

China’s Achilles’ Heel

With little in the way of force projection, China’s dependence on natural resources in unstable parts of the world could undercut its economic ambitions. There are limits to freeriding.

U.S. Eases Burma Sanctions

U.S. Eases Burma Sanctions

The United States has begin easing sanctions on Burma. Will Thein Sein respond with more reforms?

Syria and the New Cold War

Syria and the New Cold War

The unrest in Syria has underscored a broader Middle East game being played between the United States, Russia and China.

Lessons from Taiwan

Lessons from Taiwan

With the dust having settled after Taiwan’s election, it’s clear Taiwanese want the status quo. Do China and Washington get it?

Taiwan’s Imperfect Democracy

Taiwan’s Imperfect Democracy

Taiwan’s recent elections were mostly free, but not completely fair. There were built-in advantages for the KMT.

Theatrical Culture Wars

Theatrical Culture Wars

The implications of theater funding go well beyond the arts. It can say much about a country’s geostrategy.

Does China Have a Soul?

Does China Have a Soul?

If China is to navigate the rough waters ahead it will need to show that it is about more than its GDP numbers.



The United States and China won’t go to war. Mutually Assured Destruction of Economy is the reason.

Pakistani Politics Gets Messier

Pakistani Politics Gets Messier

Tensions between the civilian government and military have been growing. If Imran Khan is able to step in it will make life even more complicated for the U.S.

Why China Isn’t Freaking Out

Why China Isn’t Freaking Out

There are good reasons why the rhetoric from Moscow is harsher than Beijing’s. For a start, China knows lashing out at the U.S. is counterproductive.

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