United States

Can China Handle America’s Return?
The United States’ decision to “pivot” back to the Asia-Pacific is welcome among its allies. But what about its most assertive rising power?
America’s Afghan Supply Problem
By Joshua Kucera

U.S.-Pakistan Ties on Brink
With talk of possible coup swirling around Pakistan, the U.S. looks close to losing a key strategic partner.

Why There’s No Quick Iran Fix
The Diplomat speaks with Joseph Costa, co-director of the Truman National Security Project’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Experts Group, about the future of Iran’s nuclear program.

U.S. "Asks Iran for Drone Back"
The U.S. admits it has asked for a downed drone back from Iran. But plenty of questions are still swirling.

Tweaking China's Soft Power
China’s soft power is widely talked about. But the country’s leaders will need to show flexibility to make it work.

China’s Amateur Spying Problem
Many see China’s economic espionage as state directed. Actually, marketization of its defense and high-tech industries means there are plenty of freelancers.

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?
The U.S. and Israel are widely assumed to be responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Moscow has just as good a motive.

A Dangerous New McCarthy?
The Congressional hearings orchestrated by Rep. Peter King on the “radicalization” of Muslim Americans are misguided and dangerous.

Nuclear Iran Good for India?
A nuclear Iran is looking like a growing possibility. Could this actually be a strategic asset for India?

Time for West to Wise Up on Iran
Last week’s assault on the British Embassy was unacceptable. But more sanctions are only going to embolden Iran’s ideologues.

Moving U.S.-Burma Ties Forward
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s trip to Burma is history. But how do the U.S. and Burma move forward?