United States

Is it China’s Turn to Pivot?
The U.S. ambushed and isolated China at the East Asia summit. If China wants to recover it needs to manage its competition with the United States – and not scare its neighbors.

India-China Ties Just Got Chillier
The cancelation of the latest talks over their disputed border, allegedly due to Chinese pressure on India over the Dalai Lama, is likely to stoke growing tensions.

Chinese Aftershock
China’s rhetoric with its neighbors has improved. But the Philippines and Vietnam aren’t taking chances.

Let North Korea Save Face
Kim Jong-il’s regime seems to respond better to the carrot than the stick. The United States and others could try walking in Kim’s shoes as they look to reduce tensions.

The Fraying of China’s Gilded Age
China’s rapid economic advances over the past three decades are undeniable. But as social pressures build, is the country set to relive the trauma of America’s Gilded Age?

Why India Should Shun F-35
The possibility that India’s Air Force could purchase the F-35 fighter has people talking. New Delhi should resist.

China and Popularity Contests
The response to Obama’s latest Asia trip has been mixed. Some Chinese commentators are missing the point.

Law Not War in the South China Sea
Years of school-taught nationalism has complicated efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the South China Sea dispute. Time to try the legal route.

Hamid Karzai’s Poison Pill
The Afghan president has laid out the conditions for an extended U.S. military presence. But with opposition to his rule growing, can Karzai hold on?
ASBM Defense Isn’t Easy
Why defending against China’s much talked about DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is no easy task.
ASBM Defense Isn’t Easy
Why defending against China’s much talked about DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is no easy task.

Being Cautious on Burma
Relations between the U.S. and Burma are developing rapidly. It’s vital, then, that progress is properly measured.