United States

When China, Russia Cosy Up
The US need not fear closer ties between Russia and China. They’ll face numerous obstacles in their relationship.

Why Russia Fears US Afghan Plan
By Joshua Kucera

Burma's Nuclear Olive Branch
Burma says it is abandoning plans to develop its nuclear technology. Other countries should give it a chance.
Modus Vivendis, Then and Now
Is it time for a diplomatic arrangement to govern maritime endeavours in the Western Pacific and China seas?
Modus Vivendis, Then and Now
Is it time for a diplomatic arrangement to govern maritime endeavours in the Western Pacific and China seas?

Abusing History?
China’s mix of historical and legal claims in the South China Sea are inconsistent, says Frank Ching. Beijing can’t have its cake and eat it.

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot
The idea that the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador went to the very top is fanciful, says Robert Dreyfuss. Still, it has almost certainly scuppered the prospects for talks.

China's Wind Power Boom?
China is already the world’s biggest investor in clean energy. But it has its sights on hiking wind energy capacity.

Big Tent Key to Saving Afghanistan
The US and Afghan governments need to rethink the current peace process. Striking a deal with the Taliban is no magic bullet.

‘We’re All Taiwanese Now’
Suggestions the US role in Asia is in decline are misplaced. And it has no plans to drop Taiwan to please China.

Was Khamenei Reckless - Or Set Up?
Claims Iran was plotting to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador on US soil are extraordinary. Would Iran’s leadership really have OK’d such a plot?

China Warns US of Trade War
China warns the US a bill passed by the Senate on alleged currency manipulation creates a lose-lose situation.