United States

South China Sea Is No Black Sea
The idea that the United States should abandon Southeast Asia to China is misplaced. Asia isn’t another Georgia, says James Holmes.

Is the US a Reliable Ally?
Is the United States a less reliable ally for Taiwan than China is for North Korea? James Holmes thinks so.

Off-Shoring and Cyber Security
Should the United States and Europe introduce stricter regulations for off-shore software development?

China’s Arab Spring Cyber Lessons
The Arab Spring has offered some useful pointers for countries such as China about what works in suppressing dissent — and what is counterproductive.

China's Big Space Step
China’s successful launch of a space laboratory is a major step forward in the country’s space programme.

Indonesia Wary of US Jets
Indonesian lawmakers have declined a US offer of second-hand F-16s. Jakarta should accept the fighters.

Is Iran Ready to Compromise?
There are some encouraging signs Iran may be willing to compromise over its nuclear programme. But is the Obama administration willing to listen?

The Danger for US-China Ties
The US is wrong if it assumes it can always be business as usual after arms sales to Taiwan. As China rises, the temptation to push back grows.
China, the Varyag and Trust
China’s changing plans for its first aircraft carrier are likely to foster more mistrust of its military intentions.

'Time for China to Strike Back'
An opinion piece in the Global Times calls on China to strike back against neighbours like the Philippines.

America’s Foreign Policy Fiasco
Barack Obama’s once promising foreign policy has been undermined by short-sighted support for Israel and muddled objectives in Afghanistan.

India and the South China Sea
China has warned India about an oil and gas exploration project with Vietnam in the South China Sea.