United States

Why All Roads Lead to Mongolia
Mongolians have long dismissed their country as a pony between two elephants. But a wealth of natural resources could change that.

Educating America on Asia
A lack of understanding of the Asia-Pacific could hurt US national security interests, says CSIS’s Ernest Bower.

Why to Give North Korea Food Aid
Kim Jong-Il’s regime doesn’t make it easy to help his country’s starving population. But in the long run, offering aid is the lesser of two evils.

China's S-Shaped Threat
China is assumed by many destined to overtake the US as the world’s leading power. But history shows the dangers of extrapolating from today’s growth numbers.

The Truth Behind China Brawl Story
YouTube video of the fight between the Georgetown basketball team and their Chinese rivals went viral. But the aftermath was more encouraging than reported.

Time to Work With China’s Rise
China’s rise is a fact. The only way for the United States and others to deal with it is to encourage consistent and creative engagement.

Sino-South Korea Ties Warming?
Differing regional security perceptions have led to a tricky period in South Korea-China relations.

Nuclear Infinity. Really?
Despite what critics say, the goal of a nuclear-free world is still worth striving for. But it must be done smartly.

Nuclear Politics
The problems the US is facing with Belarus and Pakistan underscore the difficulties of implementing policy.

How to Play North Korea Long Game
North Korea is showing signs of wanting to get back to talks. But without any changes to its behaviour, it might be better to focus on the next generation.

Understanding China
A new book offers a balanced view of China’s military rise that relies on a mix of Chinese and Western sources.

Did China Tip Cyber War Hand?
A programme broadcast on the military channel of China’s state TV raises new questions about Beijing’s support for cyber attacks.