
Universal Periodic Review

How China Games the Universal Periodic Review System

How China Games the Universal Periodic Review System

By Renee Xia and William Nee
China will try to manipulate a U.N. human rights review in January. States can’t let that happen.
What India’s UPR Means for the Quad

What India’s UPR Means for the Quad

By Ria Chakrabarty
Lawmakers in Tokyo, Canberra, Washington, and even Seoul should not shy away from pushing New Delhi to uphold its commitment to human rights.

Philippines Assures UN that it Upholds Human Rights

Philippines Assures UN that it Upholds Human Rights

By Mong Palatino
Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla denied the claims that the country is plagued by a "culture of impunity."

UN Report Charts Human Rights Decline in the Philippines

UN Report Charts Human Rights Decline in the Philippines

By Mong Palatino
The administration of President Marcos has said and done nothing substantial to address the country's human rights crisis.

Thailand’s Lese-Majeste Law Takes Center Stage at UN Rights Review

Thailand’s Lese-Majeste Law Takes Center Stage at UN Rights Review

By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
To make a breakthrough on the lèse-majesté problem in Thailand, the international community must seriously rethink its strategy.
Xinjiang Detention Camp or Vocational Center: Is China ‘Calling A Deer A Horse’?

Xinjiang Detention Camp or Vocational Center: Is China ‘Calling A Deer A Horse’?

By Charlotte Gao
China defends its Xinjiang policy during the UN Human Rights Council’s universal periodic review.

Neighborhood Watch: Will Asian Countries Turn a Blind Eye to Uyghur Issues in China?

Neighborhood Watch: Will Asian Countries Turn a Blind Eye to Uyghur Issues in China?

By Sarah M. Brooks
Will any of China's neighbors speak out against its abuses at home? A major UN review offers a sobering assessment.
China’s Trojan Horse Human Rights Resolution

China’s Trojan Horse Human Rights Resolution

By Miloon Kothari
A China-backed UN resolution on “mutually beneficial cooperation” might not be all it seems.

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