Unmanned surface vehicle (USV)

What Chinese Navy Planners Are Learning from Ukraine’s Use of Unmanned Surface Vessels
By Lyle Goldstein and Nathan Waechter
Ukraine’s use of USVs has given the world’s navies a genuine view of what large scale future naval warfare might look like.

Remaking US Naval Power for the 21st Century
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Brent Droste Sadler.

Unmanned Systems in China’s Maritime ‘Gray Zone Operations’
By Prakash Panneerselvam
While China's autonomous underwater technologies are predominantly used for marine scientific research, they can also be used for military activities.

Countering the ‘Pirates’ Paradise’: Unmanned Systems and Marine Security in Southeast Asia
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
Drones could help close the capabilities gaps that allow pirates to flourish in Asian waters.

Will Hybrid Warfare Protect America’s Interests in the South China Sea?
By Tobias Burgers & Scott N. Romaniuk
The pros and cons of increasing the use of unmanned vehicles in the South China Sea.
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