Urban Development

Does Urban Design Matter for International Engagement?
By Grant Wyeth
Good design is a decentralized mechanism for international engagement. It is a soft power tool that can produce expanding effects.

A Carrot-and-Stick Approach to Long-Term Sustainability
By Cecilia Tortajada and Tommy Kevin Lee
Singapore’s sustainable water policy offers a useful model for sustainable development.

Why Resilient Cities Are Important to ASEAN's Future
By Ashvin Dayal
To sustain ASEAN’s economic progress over the next 50 years, its leaders must commit to focusing on climate change.

Does Australia Lack Commitment to Building Up Its Cities?
By Grant Wyeth
Victoria state received a disproportionately low amount of infrastructure funding in the latest budget.

Hidden Potential in South Korea’s Urban Neighborhoods
By Kris Hartley
Culture can play a vital role in local economic development.

Hanoi Citizens Protest Tree-Felling Plan
By Helen Clark
Plans to chop down the trees that line the city’s historic streets have met with a vigorous response.

Can China Save the Motor City?
As Detroit filed for bankruptcy in July, Chinese interest in Motor City real estate skyrocketed.
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