
Shanghai Protests, But Not Too Far
By Bonnie Girard
China’s middle class has rarely taken part in political activism over the past 30 years. They are now voicing their discontent – to a point.

31 Dead in Urumqi Car Bomb Attack
By Ankit Panda
Two car bombs were set off in a crowded Urumqi market, killing 31 and injuring 90.

Who Are the Uyghurs Really?
After growing up in post-9/11 America, living among Uyghurs changed my perception of Muslims.

Kashgar on the Move
Well placed for Central Asian trade, China’s westernmost city is embracing the future, and saying goodbye to its past.

Tightening the Silk Road Belt
Xinjiang is China’s a gateway to Eurasia. But achieving Beijing’s vision will take more than just money.

The Xinjiang Perspective: In Photos
China’s security forces have failed in their attempts to win over the nation’s ethnic minorities.

The Xinjiang Perspective: Part II
Our second installment of reports from the ‘western frontier’ expose a part of China few understand, until now.
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