
America and China Need Each Other
By C.H. Tung
China and the United States simply cannot afford to be adversarial.

Why Does Harry Truman’s Asia Legacy Matter?
By Francis P. Sempa
Truman’s successes ought to be weighed against his significant policy setbacks and outright failures in Asia.

A Tempest in a Teacup: Forget Hybrid Warfare!
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Hybrid warfare is much ado about nothing -- at least for now.

Afghanistan Hit by Coordinated Multiple Bombings
By Ankit Panda
A series of coordinated bombings suggests the Taliban is ramping up its attacks ahead of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Normative Origins of the US-China Spying Row
By Zachary Keck
America and China’s dispute over economic cyber-espionage is rooted in different conceptions of the state.

How Ukraine Spillover Could Complicate the US Withdrawal From Afghanistan
By Ankit Panda
Putin has an ace up his sleeve: shutting down the Northern Distribution Network.

Indian Diplomat's Arrest Highlights US-Indian Cultural Gap
By Zachary Keck
The Indian media's response to Devyani Khobragade's arrest highlights enduring differences between the US and Delhi.

Vietnam Gradually Warms Up to US Military
The gradual evolution of U.S.-Vietnamese political and defense ties reflects Hanoi’s caution.

Letter to Obama’s Successor: Governing An America That’s Number 2
The next president will likely preside over China becoming the world’s largest economy. Here’s what to do.

Vietnamese President Officially US Bound
While Sang will visit the White House later this month, Vietnam is still hedging its bets towards China and the US.
Is Hype Over China's New Super-Missile Overblown?
Rumors stem from a United Daily News story that seems to have been removed, writes Harry Kazianis.
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