US FONOPs in the South China Sea

Look for an Increasingly Active Canada in the South China Sea
By Jacob Benjamin
A number of factors are pushing Ottawa to increase both its rhetoric about and naval presence in the disputed water.

US Warships Conduct Freedom of Navigation Operation Near Mischief Reef
By Ankit Panda
The operation is the second to take place in the South China Sea in 2019.

After US FONOP, China Intensifies Military Drills in South China Sea
By Charlotte Gao
Tensions between China and the United States are rapidly building up.

The South China Sea and the Decline of US Influence
By Mark J. Valencia
The United States' ability to sway Southeast Asian states to its side is waning.

Time for the US to Stop Losing Ground to China in the South China Sea
By Tuan N. Pham
More opportunities for Washington to push back against Beijing in the South China Sea.

Trump and Southeast Asia: Sustaining the Maritime Pivot
By Koh Swee Lean Collin
The new administration needs to rethink deterrence in the South China Sea.
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