
US Forces Korea

The US and South Korea Need a Stopgap SMA

The US and South Korea Need a Stopgap SMA

By Troy Stangarone
The ongoing nature of the coronavirus crisis merits a rethink to both countries' approaches to the SMA talks.

US, South Korea Militaries Face New Enemy in Viral Outbreak

US, South Korea Militaries Face New Enemy in Viral Outbreak

By Associated Press
The U.S. and South Korean militaries face a new and formidable enemy that could hurt battle readiness: a virus spreading around the world that has infected more than 1,200 people in South Korea.
South Korea, US Sign Cost-Sharing Deal for American Troops

South Korea, US Sign Cost-Sharing Deal for American Troops

By Hyung-Jin Kim
On February 10, chief negotiators from the two countries signed a new cost-sharing plan.

US Forces Korea Is About to See a Change in Command

US Forces Korea Is About to See a Change in Command

By Ankit Panda
General Vincent K. Brooks is stepping down as the commander of U.S. Forces Korea.

US, South Korea Kick Off Annual Military Drill Without US ‘Strategic Assets’

US, South Korea Kick Off Annual Military Drill Without US ‘Strategic Assets’

By Franz-Stefan Gady
This year’s iteration of the annually held joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises will last about half the time of past drills.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

US, South Korea to Negotiate Alliance Cost-Sharing

US, South Korea to Negotiate Alliance Cost-Sharing

By Ankit Panda
The talks for a new SMA come at a sensitive time for the alliance.

Bombers and Missiles Show Limits of US Responses to North Korean ICBM Tests

Bombers and Missiles Show Limits of US Responses to North Korean ICBM Tests

By Steven Stashwick
North Korean missiles show increasing capability while U.S. responses remain static.
Deterring Pyongyang: US, South Korea Conclude Military Exercise

Deterring Pyongyang: US, South Korea Conclude Military Exercise

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The United States and South Korea finished the 2017 iteration of their annual Foal Eagle exercise on March 23.

US to Deploy 24 Attack Helicopters to South Korea in February

US to Deploy 24 Attack Helicopters to South Korea in February

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. Army will replace less capable light attack helicopters with 24 AH-64D Apache heavy attack helicopters.

Largest Ever US-Korea Military Drill Focuses on Striking North Korea’s Leadership

Largest Ever US-Korea Military Drill Focuses on Striking North Korea’s Leadership

By Franz-Stefan Gady
South Korea and the U.S. kicked off the annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle military exercises this Monday.

US Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters to South Korea to Deter Pyongyang

US Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters to South Korea to Deter Pyongyang

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. military flew four F-22 aircraft over South Korea amid growing tensions with North Korea.
U.S.- S. Korea Military Gameplan

U.S.- S. Korea Military Gameplan

It appears the Combined Forces Command will continue after the U.S. hands over wartime operational control to an ROK general in 2015

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