US-Japan Relations

US, Japan Overhaul Mutual Defense Guidelines
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. and Japan released an interim report this week on their ongoing efforts to revise their alliance's guidelines.

The Coming Overhaul in US-Japan Defense Cooperation
By Ankit Panda
U.S. and Japanese officials will release a report Wednesday outlining new guidelines for bilateral defense cooperation.

Will the U.S. Really Defend Japan?
By Paul Sracic
Despite the president’s statements, the reality appears much more complicated.

No, the US-Japan Security Treaty Isn’t One-Sided
By Stephen Stapczynski
The treaty gives the US benefits within the Asia-Pacific region that far outweigh the costs.

No, the US Won't Back South Korea Against Japan on Dokdo
By Ankit Panda
President Obama backing Japan on the Senkaku Islands has caused South Korea to ask questions about Dokdo.

US-Japan Relations and Obama’s Visit to Japan
By Yo-Jung Chen
Both countries face some delicate tasks during the US president’s stopover.

Political Uncertainties Deepen Over US Okinawa Air Base
By Justin McDonnell
The U.S. military presence in Okinawa continues to be a fraught issue for Japan.

China’s ADIZ and the Japan-US response
By Robert Dujarric
Japan and the U.S. will need to carefully calibrate their response to China’s new Air Defense Identification Zone.

Rebalancing Alliances: The Forgotten Side of the US Pivot
The rebalancing of the US-Japan and US-ROK alliances proves that the pivot to Asia is alive and well.

US Grows Concerned About Japan’s Military Revival
Despite prodding Tokyo to shoulder more of its defense for years, Washington is growing uneasy at this prospect.

America’s “Hidden Hand” in the Proposed Abe-Xi Summit
Japan PM Shinzo Abe is calling for a summit with Xi Jinping. Did the US play a role in this?

It’s Military Drill Season in the East China Sea
With diplomacy stalled, nations are turning to military exercises to signal to adversaries.