
US North Korea policy

North Korea Ordered to Pay $2.3 Billion Over Pueblo Incident

North Korea Ordered to Pay $2.3 Billion Over Pueblo Incident

By Luke Hunt
Government-appointed "special master" says crew members suffered long-lasting aftereffects, both psychological and physical.

US Threat of War on North Korea: Fulfilling 'Rocket Man' Kim Jong Un’s Wishes

US Threat of War on North Korea: Fulfilling 'Rocket Man' Kim Jong Un’s Wishes

By Patrik K. Meyer
A misguided, ineffective, and disastrous war.
'Sleepwalking into A War' May Be Another Big Blunder on the Korean Peninsula

'Sleepwalking into A War' May Be Another Big Blunder on the Korean Peninsula

By Jin Kai
U.S. policy inconsistency matched with North Korean nuclear ambitions is a dangerous mix.

After ICBM Tests, UN Security Council Adopts Wide-Ranging Sanctions Against North Korea

After ICBM Tests, UN Security Council Adopts Wide-Ranging Sanctions Against North Korea

By Ankit Panda
The latest sanctions will bar North Korean exports of coal, iron ore, lead, lead ore, and seafood.

Should North Korea Be Kicked Out of the ASEAN Regional Forum?

Should North Korea Be Kicked Out of the ASEAN Regional Forum?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Trump administration continues to call for Pyongyang’s suspension despite the challenges that this entails.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

North Korea-Myanmar Links in the Spotlight Under Trump

North Korea-Myanmar Links in the Spotlight Under Trump

By Prashanth Parameswaran
An old worry is being expressed with a renewed sense of urgency.

Why Trump Should Beware the North Korea Double Freeze Deal

Why Trump Should Beware the North Korea Double Freeze Deal

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The administration must keep in mind limitations of a proposal that has been gaining momentum.
Watch Out for the Blowback of Secondary Sanctions on North Korea

Watch Out for the Blowback of Secondary Sanctions on North Korea

By Aaron Arnold
Why would secondary sanctions against North Korea be any different from secondary sanctions against Iran?

South Korea-Japan-US: A Window for Trilateral Cooperation

South Korea-Japan-US: A Window for Trilateral Cooperation

By Pamela Kennedy
South Korea and Japan should leverage trilateral cooperation soon to deal with North Korea and help shape U.S. policy.

Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

By Bruce Harrison
Pyongyang historically has taken an offensive posture, refusing to "sit with folded arms" when provoked.

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
The long-run impact of the Trump administration’s policies toward the region are unclear.
No, Let’s Not Invade North Korea

No, Let’s Not Invade North Korea

By Bonnie Kristian
A new North Korea policy is wanted, but that isn’t it.

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