
US Presidential Election 2012

The Ultimate 'Grand Bargain': A U.S. - China Climate Deal

The Ultimate 'Grand Bargain': A U.S. - China Climate Deal

How soon to be completed leadership transitions in both nations and a greater awareness of environmental issues could spark an accord.

Who is Best for Asia: Romney or Obama? You Decide.

Who is Best for Asia: Romney or Obama? You Decide.

During Monday’s foreign policy debate, Asia’s future was an important topic. Dr. Richard Weitz breaks down the candidates’ positions.

Back From the Brink: Iran and America Set for Talks?

Back From the Brink: Iran and America Set for Talks?

While both sides have already denied it, talks could be a first step towards compromise. The road to negotiations though could be a long one.

Afghanistan: Why America's Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue

Afghanistan: Why America's Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue

U.S. forces are drawing down in Afghanistan and concluding the longest war in its history. Why is such an important issue being forgotten?

How Obama’s India Policy Has Made America Stronger

How Obama’s India Policy Has Made America Stronger

Part of President Obama’s impressive foreign policy record has been his persistent courting of India. Mitt Romney would do well to take notice.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The "Mitt Romney School" of Foreign Policy

The "Mitt Romney School" of Foreign Policy

Although Gov. Romney often criticizes President Obama’s choices in foreign affairs, many wonder about the precise nature of his own views.

Why Israel Won't Attack Iran

Why Israel Won't Attack Iran

While many believe leaders in Tel Aviv are bluffing, the Jewish state gains a lot by threatening to strike Tehran.

US Mood Shifts on Afghanistan

The US is set to announce details of the drawdown of troops from Afghanistan next week. Balancing the generals and growing antiwar sentiment isn’t easy.

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