
US rebalance

The Ticking Clock on Trump's Asia Strategy

The Ticking Clock on Trump's Asia Strategy

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The administration needs to unveil a more comprehensive approach to the region soon.

Trump’s Real ASEAN Test

Trump’s Real ASEAN Test

By Prashanth Parameswaran
How the new administration should approach Southeast Asia and ASEAN.
TPP May Fail if Renegotiated, Singapore Warns US

TPP May Fail if Renegotiated, Singapore Warns US

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The city state’s premier cautions that the pact may end up falling apart.

US Rebalance to Asia Will Sustain: Obama

US Rebalance to Asia Will Sustain: Obama

By Prashanth Parameswaran
President downplays concerns about U.S. commitment to the region ahead of state visit with Singapore’s premier.

US in ‘New Normal’ With Asia Under Obama: Top Diplomat

US in ‘New Normal’ With Asia Under Obama: Top Diplomat

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The US pivot to Asia is seeing "a substantial return" on investment, Daniel Russel argues.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Ashton Carter’s Pacific Tour Highlights An Enduring US Pivot to Asia

Ashton Carter’s Pacific Tour Highlights An Enduring US Pivot to Asia

By Benjamin David Baker
The U.S. Secretary of Defense’s ongoing tour in the Pacific demonstrates that the “Pivot to Asia” is still important.

Sour Notes from China on the U.S. Rebalance to Asia

Sour Notes from China on the U.S. Rebalance to Asia

By Scott A. Snyder
Skepticism within China about the US rebalancing is strong.

Obama 2.0 Confronts Asia

President Obama was broadly successful in the Asia-Pacific during his first term. He’ll have to work harder the second time around.

America’s “Rebalance”… Towards Southeast Asia

America’s “Rebalance”… Towards Southeast Asia

By John J. Brandon
While an upcoming visit underscores Washington's commitment to the region, consistency is the key.

Back to the Future: The U.S. Navy Returns to The Philippines

Back to the Future: The U.S. Navy Returns to The Philippines

A return to a familiar port of call serves as another reminder of the United States continued “rebalance” towards Asia.

America Cannot ‘Lead From Behind’ in Asia

America Cannot ‘Lead From Behind’ in Asia

By Aaron L. Friedberg
Amidst warnings that America's 'pivot' could trigger greater tensions, a softer 'rebalance' is now in vogue. It may make matters far worse.
Paying Dividends: The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Four Years On

Paying Dividends: The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Four Years On

Four years after a historic nuclear deal was signed, many in American policy circles deride the agreement as a failure. They’re wrong.

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