US-South Korea alliance
Still No Clarity on Trump Commitment to North Korea’s Kim on Military Exercises
By Ankit Panda
The question of what exactly Trump told Kim on June 30 matters deeply.
What Mattis Did and Didn't Say About US-South Korea Military Exercises
By Ankit Panda
Mattis' comments were misreported. The U.S.-South Korea alliance has reached no decision on upcoming major exercises.
US and South Korea Agree to Initiate FTA Amendment Negotiations
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
Trump’s threats to terminate the agreement entirely seems to have brought the Koreans to the table.
Attacking KORUS is Worse than Abandoning TPP
By Shihoko Goto
Retreating from the agreement would not only damage U.S.-ROK relations but impact key U.S. industries that have benefited from the deal.
Trump Is Undercutting America’s Allies and Strengthening China’s Hand
By Chris Carothers
Meanwhile, the Presidents of South Korea and Taiwan are trying to ride the tiger of Trumpian uncertainty .
South Korea Boosts Defense Budget Amid Rising North Korea Threat
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s parliament approved a record-high defense budget.
What is the Future of US Policy Toward Japan and Korea?
By Daniel Bob
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump espouse very different policies toward America's two biggest allies in Asia.
Time to Rethink US and South Korean Approaches to North Korea
By Dingding Chen
In approaching North Korea, doing the same thing over and over with sanctions simply won't work.
The Trouble With The US Bomber Overflight Against North Korea
By Van Jackson
The B-52 overflight was a failure in nuclear signaling.
The Truth About South Korea's TPP Shift
By Jessica J. Lee
A look at the reasons behind Seoul's recent rethinking.
Preparing for the Next Korean War
By Van Jackson
Why the U.S.-ROK alliance should plan for a limited war on the Korean Peninsula.
The Korean Peninsula's Status Quo Crisis
By Van Jackson
The status quo on the Korean Peninsula is inching the US-ROK alliance closer to a crisis.
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