Uyghur Human Rights Project

After the Fall of Kabul, the US Needs to Reject China’s Narrative on Terrorism
By Omer Kanat
Hyping an unsubstantiated “extremism” threat is a key, and classic, tactic in the Chinese government’s propaganda war.

If China’s Anti-Uyghur Campaign Isn’t Genocide, What Is?
By Omer Kanat
If the world’s only response to genocide is to engage in endless debate of the term, then “never again” is truly an empty promise.

NYT Exposé Should Be the Tipping Point on China’s Abuse of Uyghurs
By Omer Kanat
The international community no longer has an excuse to stay silent. It must act.

China’s Cross-Border Campaign to Terrorize Uyghur Americans
By Omer Kanat
The Chinese government routinely carries out surveillance, threats, and coercion targeting Uyghurs on American soil.

The Repression of Uyghurs Is Now an All-Out War Against a People
By Omer Kanat
Uyghurs fear that Beijing wants nothing less than for them to disappear as a people.

How China Dismantled the Uyghur Internet
By Henryk Szadziewski & Greg Fay
In a 10 month period, China destroyed 80% of the Uyghur Internet in a massive digital book burning.

Rights Groups Doubt Uyghur Involvement in Tiananmen Attack
Uyghur activists fear China will use suicide attack as an excuse to crack down further in Xinjiang.
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