Uyghurs abroad

Uyghurs Call on Thailand To Stop Detention of Uyghur Refugees
By Tasnim Nazeer
The deaths of two Uyghur refugees in a detention center in Thailand shed light on the grave injustice that is the continued imprisonment of Uyghurs.

East Turkistan, West Papua and an Extraordinary Game of Football
By Henryk Szadziewski
“For us, our passion for the game shows the world the skills and aspirations of our people.”

China’s Uyghur Crackdown Goes Global
By Jojje Olsson
Beijing is stepping up the pressure on the Uyghur diaspora, even as it cracks down on their relatives in Xinjiang.

The ‘De-Extremitization’ Campaign in Xinjiang: A Cure Worse Than the Disease
By Marc Julienne
China's repression in Xinjiang is likely to backfire.

A Stark Choice for Cairo’s Chinese Muslims
By François Napoleon
As Egypt cracks down on Uyghur students, Chinese Muslims in Cairo are torn between economic opportunity and their faith.

I Am Uyghur and I Will Protest
By Munawwar Shamseden Abdulla
One member of the Uyghur diaspora explains why Uyghurs abroad raise their banners outside Chinese embassies.
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