Uyghurs in China

Ramadan in China: Faithful Dwindle Under Limits on Religion
By Ken Moritsugu and Dake Kang
The tree-lined paths of the Id Kah Mosque's grounds are tranquil, and it's easy to miss the three surveillance cameras keeping watch over whoever comes in.

The Missing Uyghur Children
By Tasnim Nazeer
“I don't know if my children are dead or alive”: Uyghur parents share the anguish of being separated from their children.

If China’s Anti-Uyghur Campaign Isn’t Genocide, What Is?
By Omer Kanat
If the world’s only response to genocide is to engage in endless debate of the term, then “never again” is truly an empty promise.

Are the Uyghurs Safe in Turkey?
By Nicholas Muller
Many in the Uyghur diaspora feel they have a target on their back.

The Ghulja Massacre of 1997 and the Face of Uyghur Genocide Today
By Zubayra Shamseden
24 years ago, a brutal crackdown on Uyghur protesters changed one family’s lives forever. Incredibly, things have only gotten worse for the Uyghurs since then.

China’s Barbarity Toward Uyghur Families Should Shock Our Consciousness and Spur Action
By Omer Kanat
Imagine not knowing the whereabouts and condition of your parents, children, brothers, sisters. For many Uyghurs abroad, that is the daily reality.

With New State Department Web Page, US Ramps up Emphasis on China’s Xinjiang Abuses
By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S.-China battle of the narratives over Xinjiang continues to heat up.

Will the ILO Defend China’s Uyghurs?
By Andrew Samet
Uniquely of all U.N. agencies, the ILO has the capacity to act without consensus, or in this case agreement from China.

Confessions of a Xinjiang Camp Teacher
By Ruth Ingram
Qelbinur Sedik reveals the horrors she witnessed in the camps, where she was forced to teach Mandarin in 2017.

Before the Tiananmen Massacre, Uyghurs Led Their Own Protest
By Dolkun Isa
Remembering the 1988 demonstration that changed the course of the Uyghur rights movement.

It’s Time for US Companies to Investigate Forced Labor in China
By Richard Altieri and Benjamin Della Rocca
The U.S. government should shift the burden of due diligence to companies, which are best positioned to uncover their business partners’ labor practices.

China Says There’s No Risk of a COVID-19 Outbreak in Xinjiang Camps. Don’t Believe It.
By Jewher Ilham and Munawwar Abdulla
In trying to deny any cause for concern, a government spokesperson only helped justify fears.