
Uzbekistan education system

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

By Niginakhon Saida
There are many factors, but ultimately a college diploma no longer guarantees employment and the youth of Uzbekistan are skeptical of its necessity.
Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

By Niginakhon Saida and Sher Khashimov
Can Uzbekistan’s education system accommodate the growing number of students amid rapid population growth?

What Happens to Central Asian Youth After Following China’s ‘Educational Silk Road?’

What Happens to Central Asian Youth After Following China’s ‘Educational Silk Road?’

By Adina Masalbekova and Nigora Tangatarova
In contrast to the past, when youth from Central Asia largely migrated to Russia and other countries to do hard, physical labor, the younger generation is more focused on looking for educational opportunities abroad.

New Uzbekistan, New Universities, New Problems

New Uzbekistan, New Universities, New Problems

By Niginakhon Saida
Reforms in tertiary education have made university degrees more attainable in Uzbekistan, but less valued.

Closing the Gender Gap in Uzbekistan’s Universities

Closing the Gender Gap in Uzbekistan’s Universities

By Niginakhon bintu Saida
President Mirziyoyev’s new government is taking measures to close the gender gap in the country's education sector as the higher education system goes through major changes. 
China Opens Education Opportunities for Uzbekistan’s Youth

China Opens Education Opportunities for Uzbekistan’s Youth

By Umida Hashimova
The knowledge-hungry youth of Uzbekistan are ready to take up education in China.

Uzbekistan Needs Greater Academic Independence

Uzbekistan Needs Greater Academic Independence

By Firdavs Navruzov
The country’s new private schools must be allowed to innovate.
Fixing Uzbekistan’s Broken University Admissions Process

Fixing Uzbekistan’s Broken University Admissions Process

By Dilnoza Ubaydullaeva
When getting into university is based mostly on an entrance exam, high school doesn't really matter -- only exam prep does.

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