Uzbekistan religious freedom

Why Is Prominent Uzbek Imam Mubashshir Ahmad Wanted by Authorities?
By Madina Amin
Initial reports suggested the popular figure was wanted on serious charges, but his lawyer refuted that claim.

Uzbekistan’s Tightrope Between Individual Religious Expression and Secular Governance
By Niginakhon Saida
As Islamic practices rise in Uzbekistan, authorities do their best to maintain a secular public sphere.

The Unexonerated Speak: A New Documentary Sheds Light on Uzbekistan’s Dark Past
By Catherine Putz
Thousands were imprisoned under the regime of Islam Karimov, unjustly convicted on religious extremism and other charges. Many have been freed, but they remain unexonerated.

Measuring the Power and Legitimacy of Uzbekistan’s Islamic Leaders
By Niginakhon Saida
The popularity of religious figures in Uzbekistan is tied to their legitimacy, itself derived from their formal positions within government-affiliated religious institutions.

It’s Karimov Era 2.0 for Muslims in Uzbekistan
By Madina Amin
A new wave of arrests in Uzbekistan have centered on religious lectures, songs, and social media posts, calling up memories of the not-so-distant Karimov era.

USCIRF Again Highlights Violations of Religious Freedoms in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
In its latest annual report, USCIRF recommends designating Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as "countries of particular concern" and asks for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to be included on the special watch list for religious freedom violators.
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