Uzbekistan-US relations

US Transferring Afghan Aircraft to Uzbek Control
By Catherine Putz
The ultimate fate of the 46 Afghan aircraft that fled the country and landed in Uzbekistan as the Republic collapsed in 2021 isn’t surprising, but the Taliban remain steadfast in opposition.

Smugglers and Scammers Make Wild Promises to Uzbeks Desperate to Reach US
By Catherine Putz
Uzbek citizens interested in getting to the United States are confronted with a confusing miasma of regulations, made all the more murky by disinformation and scammers.

New Uzbekistan’s Reform Agenda: A Catalyst for Stronger US Bilateral Relations
By Ambassador Furqat Sidikov
Uzbekistan is a bedrock U.S. partner in a dynamic region.

US and Russia Watching Closely Uzbekistan’s Economic Choices
By Umida Hashimova
Tashkent is reopening its negotiations to join the WTO and considering Eurasian Economic Union membership. Russia and the West are watching.

US Commerce Secretary Praises Uzbekistan's Progress
By Catherine Putz
Secretary Wilbur Ross praised Uzbekistan's “democratic reforms,” but what he really meant was economic reforms.

Uzbekistan: Building on Centuries of Inter-Religious Harmony
By Javlon Vakhabov
The new leadership of Uzbekistan is openly tackling a backlog of challenges, including in the field of religious freedoms.

Many Questions Remain After Uzbekistan Fines US Citizen Over Alleged IMU Links
By Catherine Putz
Unexpectedly, Uzbekistan levied only a small fine on a man the state says has links to the IMU.

Uzbekistan Does Not Drift Among Great Powers
By Sherzodkhon Kudrathodjaev
Tashkent’s engagement with Washington doesn’t undercut its relations with Moscow and Beijing.

Uzbekistan on DHS List of Terrorism Sources
By Casey Michel
All told, none of the terrorism cases relating to Uzbekistani nationals on American soil have seen any casualties.
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