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Women as Wives: How Uzbekistan’s Justice System Fails to Serve Women

Women as Wives: How Uzbekistan’s Justice System Fails to Serve Women

By Niginakhon Saida
Uzbekistan’s judicial system perceives women as wives in domestic violence cases and does not shy away from punishing them for responding to abuse.
1 Amendment, Dozens of Arrests: How Uzbekistan Is Hounding Citizens Who Criticize the President

1 Amendment, Dozens of Arrests: How Uzbekistan Is Hounding Citizens Who Criticize the President

By Madina Amin
Five years in jail for criticizing Mirziyoyev’s attending a military parade in Moscow, two and half for a vulgar comment on Instagram, seven for a derogatory poem.

Cotton Campaign Urges Uzbekistan to Investigate Harassment of Activists

Cotton Campaign Urges Uzbekistan to Investigate Harassment of Activists

By Catherine Putz
In April, noted Uzbek human rights activist Umida Niyazova and a journalist were harassed by two men as they planned to tour Fergana and speak to farmers.

How Are Patterns of Labor Migration From Uzbekistan Changing?

How Are Patterns of Labor Migration From Uzbekistan Changing?

By Niginakhon Saida
Following the Crocus City Hall attack and a subsequent wave of xenophobia and discrimination toward migrants in Russia, Tashkent has introduced additional measures to support its labor migrants abroad and at home. 

Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

By Niginakhon Saida and Sher Khashimov
Can Uzbekistan’s education system accommodate the growing number of students amid rapid population growth?
Uzbekistan Aims to Allow Private Medical Institutions to Deliver Babies

Uzbekistan Aims to Allow Private Medical Institutions to Deliver Babies

By Niginakhon Saida
Child delivery and abortion are among the very few medical procedures that are exclusively conducted by state medical entities. That could change soon.

Labor Rights Violations Persist in Uzbekistan

Labor Rights Violations Persist in Uzbekistan

By Lynn Schweisfurth
Cotton producer Indorama Agro silences workers speaking out against rights violations while development banks fail to ensure compliance.
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Agree to Install Transboundary Water Meters

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Agree to Install Transboundary Water Meters

By Catherine Putz
While water is often characterized as a potential spark for conflict in Central Asia, it is at the same time an opportunity for cooperation. 

Russian Gas Supplies to Uzbekistan Set to Grow

Russian Gas Supplies to Uzbekistan Set to Grow

By Catherine Putz
As the “Central Asia gas union” solidifies on the back of high demand, political and corruption risks linger.

Prominent Karakalpak Activist Aqylbek Muratbai Facing Extradition From Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan

Prominent Karakalpak Activist Aqylbek Muratbai Facing Extradition From Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
Muratbai has been a vital voice in calling attention to Uzbekistan's persecution of the Karakalpak people. His detention in Kazakhstan is yet another warning shot.

Why Is Tashkent Reluctant to Reconnect with Ethnic Uzbeks Abroad?

Why Is Tashkent Reluctant to Reconnect with Ethnic Uzbeks Abroad?

By Niginakhon Saida
Although there are millions of ethnic Uzbeks in neighboring countries, the Uzbek government does not seriously entertain the idea of building bonds with them. Why?
Smugglers and Scammers Make Wild Promises to Uzbeks Desperate to Reach US

Smugglers and Scammers Make Wild Promises to Uzbeks Desperate to Reach US

By Catherine Putz
Uzbek citizens interested in getting to the United States are confronted with a confusing miasma of regulations, made all the more murky by disinformation and scammers. 

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