Vietnam Electricity (EVN)
Vietnam Signs Nuclear Cooperation Deal With Russian Government
By Sebastian Strangio
Hanoi is restarting its civilian nuclear program nearly a decade after canceling it over cost and safety concerns.
Vietnam Allows Big Companies to Buy Clean Energy Directly to Meet Their Climate Targets
By Aniruddha Ghosal
The government has lifted a regulation requiring all consumers of power to purchase it at fixed prices from the state utility EVN.
Who Pays and Who Profits From High Energy Prices in Thailand?
By James Guild
Many governments are facing the question of whether to absorb rising energy prices, or put the burden on the shoulders of consumers.
Why Vietnam’s State-Owned Electric Utility EVN is in Financial Trouble
By James Guild
According to recent reports, the utility is posting huge losses and may run out of cash as early as May.
What’s Driving Vietnam’s Renewable Energy Boom?
By James Guild
As elsewhere, Vietnam's increasing reliance on energy imports has driven its green energy push.
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